We are an independent and international network of Iranian academics and students. Our primary objective is to provide a community and a platform to serve the interests of academics of Iranian heritage around the world.
We strongly believe in and advocate for freedom of information, opinion, and expression.
ICOIA was founded in October 2022 as an entirely volunteer-run organization by a group of Iranian academics in North America, Europe, and Australasia.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed by ICOIA and its members are solely their own and do not express the views or opinions of their employers.
ICOIA's President
Postdoctoral Associate, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Canada
ICOIA's Vice President
Principle Academic Staff Member and Programme Coordinator (Civil Eng.), Centre for Engineering and Industrial Design, Waikato Institute of Technology, New Zealand
ICOIA's Governance Board Member
Research Fellow at Mainz University, Germany
Assistant Professor (resigned in protest) of the Physics Department at the IASBS, Iran.
ICOIA's Supervisory Board Member
Senior Lecturer in Security Studies, School of People, Environment and Planning, Massey University, New Zealand
ICOIA's Treasurer
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Georgetown University, USA
ICOIA's Regional Coordinator of Europe
Research Fellow at the University of Turku, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies, Norway
ICOIA's Regional Coordinator (North America)
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Information Systems, FSA ULaval, Canada
ICOIA's Regional Coordinator for Australia and New Zealand
Senior Lecturer (Civil Eng.), Australian Human Rights Institute Associate, University of New South Wales, Australia
ICOAI's Governance Board Member
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Western University of Sydney, Australia
ICOIA's Governance Board Member
PhD student, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna, Austria
Associate Professor of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
ICOIA's Governance Board Member Bioinformatician at CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center, Canada
Research Fellow at Université Paris-Est Créteil
Assistant Professor of English Literature (expelled from Mazandaran University for supporting protesting students)
ICOIA's Governance Board Member, Optometry Student, Baluch Human Rights Activist in the field of Economic and Gender Equality
ICOIA's Bylaw Committee Member
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Technology University of Sydney, Australia
Assistant Professor and Research Director of Initiative on Social Work and Forced Migration, Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Student Activist and Journalist
International Community of Iranian Academics (ICOIA)